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You've got haters.


We live in a world of revenge porn, mugshot extortion, and public shaming. Shadow Clout is committed to providing you with affordable social media reputation management services when your name is under attack.

No organization and no individual is immune to the threat of a PR crisis. We are your partners in creating a crisis communication plan that will protect it all. Whether your crisis takes the form of private photos being shared by a vindictive ex or a not-so-proud moment going viral, your hard-earned reputation is more fragile than you think- and so are your relationships, relevancy, and revenue.

Crisis communications







We fight hard for your reputation.

Dull the impact of your emergency by curating a personal brand: a digital projection of who you are, what you do, and what you stand for. When a storm hits, your brand will speak for itself- with clout that your friends and followers recognize. Cultivating your brand with our expertise gives you the freedom to write your own story and remain in control of the narrative when crisis calls. 

Personal brand building







Build a brand that can't be torn down.

You want to ignore the haters and we get that- but in a world of dangerously instant gratification and online anonymity, someone has to keep an eye out for trouble. Our monitoring service watches over your mentions, reviews, and even feeds of those you’ve identified as a potential threat to ensure that damage to your integrity is significantly reduced. 











Because the haters don't sleep. 


is the new 15 minutes of fame.

And when yours comes around

it’s not always as simple as logging out. With Shadow Clout by your side, you’re not alone.


Our experience

Cancel culture does not discriminate. We have seen it happen to celebrities, our friends and have experienced its wrath ourselves.


When vocal aggressors decide that you are problematic, victims have no guidebook on how to avoid, navigate or recover from the reputation impact- so we wrote one.

Our approach

At Shadow Clout we tackle damage control holistically.


Blanket statement apology tweets and run of the mill personal statements are not our style; instead, our approach arms you with personalized tools to mitigate your crisis throughout all areas of your life.

Our results

Without preparation, all of your credibility is lost when you find yourself entangled in a cancel-worthy crisis.


Shadow Clout clients have weathered their storms and regained social standing both on and offline and in both their personal and professional circles. Our holistic approach to protecting you yields holistic results.


Had an uncharacteristically drunken and embarrassing night last summer. Over the following weeks all of the mentions on my social media channels were embellished versions of that horrible night- each one making me out to be a more terrible person. I was sure that at least my social life was over and I was worried that the fiasco might spill into my professional life. I called Shadow Clout and they helped me every step of the way. I managed to keep my friends and took ZERO hit to my professional reputation. Totally worth it."


-ANONYMOUS, 36, Chapel Hill NC

Contact us for a crisis assessment.
Our experts are here to help. 
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